Hi hi hi! I'm taking a super short study break to write up a quick post for y'all. Sooo, I've been following Kate from ghostparties for a while now, and every week she does a "This Week's Most Loved" mainly revolving around beauty and cosmetics. I thought I'd take her idea and give it a spin of my own- including beauty, lifestyle and miscellaneous items!
I don't have any beauty products in this week's post because I've mainly been stuck at home and locked away in my room studying for my last few high school exams. (yeeeeeeeeeeees!) The only times I ever do leave the house is to actually go write these exams and that's where the first featured item, my brown H&M bag comes in. It's a few years old, and not the greatest quality, but it's a perfect smaller-medium sized bag that can hold quite a bit. I got this for around $20 and it mainly serves as my vacationing/adventuring bag during the summer months.
Next would be my trusty TI-84 Plus calc. Let's just say my academic life would be over if I didn't have this... I don't know what I'm going to do once I move onto University and have to revert back to the scientific calculator ways....
Those stretchy hairbands were super big last year and I never got any until a few months back. They're not all too good at holding a really tight pony but they're cute and I use them to throw my hair back messily when I just can't deal with it all falling into my face. I got a set of 3 of these from Target for $1!
Tim Horton's caffeinated green tea is my savior product for this week. A fully concentration XL mug of this stuff keeps me up til the wee hours of the morning which is sadly what I've been needing recently. A non-caffeinated alternative that's just as yummy that I would recommend would be this herbal tea sampler by Celestial Seasonings. The selection is fruity and my favourite of the 5 would probably be the country peach flavour.
Anyways, that's all for now! Chemistry awaits...
I hope you all had a good week! Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll be back soon!
xo, Cat
I love those stretchy hairbands! I have one in my hair as we speak. I don't know how you can study when the weather is so nice out these days. Your almost done with exams, Good luck with chem tmr!
Deleteyeah idk i've legit been sitting in my room with the blinds drawn and my lights turned off, its sad LOL
thank you! and chem is my biggest weakness so hopefully it goes well :( it's been forever since we last talked
Yeah I know its been awhile hey, you've been super busy with everything so it's best you stay focus for this little bit. Then your summer can start and you can start enjoying yourself! Maybe next year I'll see you around campus! I am sure you did wonderful, your studying will definitely pay out in the end!