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Friday, January 9, 2015

Unboxing: Memebox Princess Edition #1

Hey friends! First of all, happy 2015! And secondly, I'm so so so super sorry for neglecting my blog and just not being a part of the blogging community at all for the last couple of weeks. As some of you know, I started my first year of university this past September and I'm not lying when I say that it's been tough on me. ANYWAYS, this post has been loooong overdue and I really can't be more thankful for Memebox for sending me this box and being so extremely patient. Today I'll be unboxing their first Princess box and sharing some photos and my first impressions with you!

 Packed to the brim with 6 full sized products :)

 1. Nella Fantasia One Day Whitener 120mL (find me here!)
     Description: This is a magically whitening body lotion that instantly moisturizes and brightens up dry, coarse, and darkened skin tone for a lasting glow all day long. It’s also non-sticky and strong against water and sweat. Apply an adequate amount of the lotion evenly over areas of your body you wish to moisturize and brighten up. Make sure to massage it in until all's absorbed into the skin. 

 Not going to lie, when I first saw this product I was a little scared of it- a one day whitening lotion- something I've never heard of or seen before. The product itself comes in a super cute white bottle. It's hard to tell from the pictures above but the lotion is slightly tinted pink because of these little tiny pink capsules. The lotion doesn't smell pleasant, but not terrible either- slightly like alcohol? And maybe a little bit like a western sunscreen? The consistency is quite light and not thick at all, but doesn't run down my hand at the same time. It's a little difficult to blend in with just my finger tips, and I found myself having to almost vigorously rub it in with my entire hand and palm. I'm pleasantly surprised with this product though! It really does brighten up the skin and seriously stays put and is water resistant; I had to use a cleansing oil to remove it. Honestly, I wouldn't find myself grabbing for this product on a daily basis just because of how unnecessary it seems to be for me and my skincare/makeup routine. This definitely is a product that requires more time- with applying and removing it! This lotion will probably find a home with my mom's collection though, seeing as she's a lot more concerned with whitening and brightening her skin tone!

 2. Daltokki Whitening Essence 100mL (find me here!)
     Description: All you need is a single drop of Daltokki’s Whitening Essence mixed with a facial cream for a whitening & moisturizing effect, with a sunblock for creating the naturally brightened skin tone, and with a BB cream or a foundation for creating the fully covered and perfectly toned up complexion. Mix in a drop of the essence with a cream, sunblock, bb cream for the effect you desire. Suitable for both facial and body application.

 I said I was pretty impressed with the last product I mentioned, but this was impressed me even more. It SERIOUSLY whitened and brightened my skin as shown in the picture above. Now that I think about it, both of these products remind of Tonymoly's Tomatox pack and Skin79's Lemon Brightening Mask in the sense that the whitening properties of these products adhere to your skin to give the illusion of a whitened and brightened skin tone. The Daltokki essence is even more waterproof than Nella Fantasia's but smells quite the same. It has the same texture as the previous product's. It doesn't have the pink capsules but the lotion is still pink. Again though, this product will most likely end up being with my mom.

 3. original raw First Essence 110mL (find me here!) -Vitamin-
     Description: Both the Red Essence and the Vitamin Essence are combinations of a skin toner, an essence, and a lotion all in one. Also, they’re both enriched with various vitamin nutrients and dragon’s blood extracts from the dragon tree and work to instantly rejuvenate and brighten up the damaged or sagging skin. After cleansing, wet a cotton pad with 2-3 drops of the essence and gently pat it all over your face. 

 I was super excited to receive this product because of how neat the packaging is! And it seriously smells so great! The scent of it is totally up my alley because it smells soapy in almost a masculine way. So. Great. So so so so great. Now, I don't follow the instructions with wetting a cotton pad and applying this essence to my face- instead, I apply it as I would any other essence, directly on my fingertips and onto my skin. The texture is watery and light, which is my preference when it comes to anything that goes onto my skin. It isn't sticky which is always nice. While the product claims to be a 3 in 1, I'd still use a moisturizer after applying this seeing how it is the winter time. Overall, I really enjoy this product for its scent and light moisture it gives me.

 4. FACEFLUX Anti-Wrinkle Revitalizing Cream 30g (find me here!)
     Description: Enriched with ceramide, hyaluronic acid, lemon verbena extracts, shea butter and portulaca extracts, the Anti-Wrinkle Revitalizing Cream works to brighten up dulled complexion, to relieve stimulated or sensitive skin, and to treat signs of fine lines and wrinkles for a younger and healthier-looking complexion overall. Apply evenly over skin and gently pat in. 
 I was a little less than excited to see this product being included in this box just because it's an antiaging one. I'm totally for taking precautions and taking care of my skin to prevent any early signs of aging but I seriously have stacks of moisturizers and creams sitting in my beauty storage and even as a self acclaimed beauty blogger... I'm kind of a lot overwhelmed. Anyways, this cream is thick in a buttery way and blends smoothly into the skin. It isn't greasy or sticky, and hardly leaves any type of sheen on the skin. It doesn't have a strong scent at all. I can't comment on its anti-wrinkle properties but maybe I'll update this post in the future after my mom gives this cream a whirl!

 5. Morningtree Revitalizing Whitening Deep Spot 20mL (find me here!)
     Description: Excessive melanic pigmentation is responsible for darkened spots all of your body – face, hands, arm pits, busts, elbows, knees, heels, and even the Y-zone. This high concentrate, gel-type essence will soothe, cool, brighten, and repair such dry and darkened spots, and it’s suitable for all skin types and for both men and women. Apply and adequate amount of this spot treatment over dark spots and massage it in for full absorbency. You can also store this in the refrigerator and then apply it over puffy eyes for soothing and whitening effects. 

I was happy to see a product like this included in this time's box because of the serious hyperpigmentation and acne scarring that I've been dealing with for the longest time. I've also been prone to serious dark under eyes for the longest time.. and those don't seem to go away no matter how much sleep I've been getting. Anyways, this product came at the perfect time because I've recently been breaking out from stress I suppose, and my zits always leave some type of darkness behind. This product leaves its tube via three metal balls that are super soothing and the product itself is light and absorbs super quickly. I haven't noticed any dramatic whitening of my dark spots yet, but that's expected as I've only been using it for a little while. 
 6. Ipsennature 5 Seeds Apple Water Brightening Scrub 80mL (find me here!)
    Description: Made from apple water and apricot, raspberry, walnut, rice, and corn seed powders, this Brightening Scrub is a cleansing scrub which works to gently peel away all dead skin cells and skin impurities and deliver skin replenishing and brightening effects all in one! Spread out the scrub evenly over your wet face and massage. Rinse off with warm water. 

This product was probably my most anticipated! When I first read the word 'Apple' within its title I was super excited because I looooove anything that smells of apples. Even though I was disappointed that this product smells nothing like apples (and more of menthol than anything), I was pleasantly surprised at how soft this left my skin. This exfoliant is gentle on the skin if you gently massage it into the skin which is how I'd recommend anyone to use exfoliators. It bubbles and foams up quite nicely and is definitely my favorite product of this box!

- Not only did I score big with this box, but so did my mom seeing how some of these products will be going to her! I hope you enjoyed today's post and while I can't promise to become more consistent with my blogging, I'm thankful for those who have remained patient and supportive of me. :)

Thanks for reading! Until next time,

xo, Cat

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